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Veterans of Arizona City

Arizona City, Arizona USA

About Us

Know who we are...

Let's make this simple:

We are Right Wing Conservatives and Patriots who Worship God. Best defined, we are believers in One nation UNDER God, indivisible! 

 Started in May of 2021, Veterans of Arizona City was conceived to create viable community events by and for Veterans of Arizona City and Residents of Arizona City.

  Our 501C3 incorporation filed in October 2023, final status pending. The goal to work together with civilian residents and Veterans to create Patriotic Events for the community so that children of Arizona City could learn and appreciate the Pride of Being an American and getting excited seeing our Beautiful Flag!

  In addition, as locations to socialize fell during the years prior leaving few if any viable social activities for most other than limited eateries or drinking facilities, every effort to create group social activities has been made. 

  There have been at least 12 such activities since the start with many more in the planning stages. 



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